🚨 Warning! Chocolate is toxic for dogs and cats 🍫🐶🐱

Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, substances that dogs and cats cannot metabolize properly. Eating it can cause: ⚠️ Vomiting and diarrhea ⚠️ Increased heart rate ⚠️ Tremors and seizures ⚠️ In severe cases, heart failure or coma What to do if your pet eats chocolate? ✅ Call your vet or an emergency clinic immediately. ✅ […]
🏡¿Estás pensando en adoptar una mascota? ¡Lee esto antes de tomar tu decisión! 🐾

Para asegurar que tu adopción sea un éxito y tu mascota encuentre un hogar definitivo, aquí tienes algunas preguntas clave que debes hacerte antes de dar este paso: – ¿Estoy preparado para el compromiso a largo plazo que conlleva tener una mascota? – ¿Tengo el tiempo y los recursos necesarios para cuidar de ella adecuadamente? […]

Even though our furry friends always ask for a “treat” from our food, there are certain foods that can be very dangerous for them. 😱 To keep your pet healthy and happy, avoid these 10 foods: 🔹 Chocolate 🔹 Coffee/ Tea 🔹 Alcohol 🔹 Salt 🔹 Onions and garlic 🔹 Sugar and sweets 🔹 Grapes […]